Saturday, May 17, 2008

The Importance of a Father

I will finish the 10 things that rob us of joy but I wanted to share some thoughts of mine.

What is it like to grow up without a positive influence from a father? Often I feel like I was dropped into the wilderness and told to survive alone. There was no one to warn me about dangers, no one to show me how to find shelter, and no one to guide me home. I feel like I missed out on information that was essential early on. I needed someone to tell me the dangers of pornography, I needed someone to show me that God takes us in under his wings, and I needed someone to remind me that following Christ is difficult but worth it. My Heavenly Father has since taught me these things, but I carry the scars of someone who learned much to late. On top of all this is pride. Because I grew up without a father, I think I can now do everything on my own. This causes me to isolate myself, not have compassion on those struggling, and become defensive when others try to teach me. There is hope though. Because of Christ, I am able to say a few things. The first is that I forgive my earthly father, the second is that I want to see my earthly father in heaven, and the third is that I am able to understand the difference between my earthly father and Heavenly Father. (The last of these I am so grateful for because I know not everyone can) Why do I post this? Partly to help me heal the hurt inside and partly to help others who struggle. There is hope my friends and it is found in the perfect sacrifice of Jesus Christ.


Anonymous said...

thanks scott for this.. i did have a father, but wasn't there for me.. i taught myself most of what i know or learned it from my friends fathers.. i have forgiven my dad.. i still love him, but our Heavenly Father ultimately fills any void we carry.. thank you Jesus!

Anonymous said...

I see authenticity in this post. My heart resonates with your thoughts and feelings on this, although I am a woman and woman are taught different things and act differently, the premise of not having a father is very known to me.

Have you read Abba's Child by Brennan Manning? Brennan Manning paints such a wonderful book with scripture and teaching of the truth of what it really is to be a child of God...

Markchop said...

These are good, hard thoughts, i am glad you posted it. It's true some can't tell the difference between their father and THE FATHER. It's a good distinction to make. I will continue to pray for the will probably hurt more...but it'll be worth it!

patricia said...

I love the transparency of this post.

I fortunately was raised by a godly father who loved the Lord and prayed for his children constantly. He wasn't perfect by any means and it certainly didn't keep me out of trouble or some really rebellious years.

I am grateful that God is healing you and that you have forgiven your earthly father.

Romans 12:21 Do not be overcome with evil, but overcome evil with good.

I'll be praying for you.

Ryan said...

Great post Scott. Transparency is not always easy but it brings out words that truly connect with others and inspire us. I wish you had a different upbringing and my heart, as yours does as well, hurts for those who have no father, or loving father. Your realizations and teachings regarding this matter can bring hope to those in the same situation as you. Thanks for sharing.

Scott said...

Thank you everyone for your encouragement. I pray that God will use this to help the fatherless and to remind us, especially the Men, of the importance of Fatherhood.

Jon- Preach it! While we might have voids here on earth, through Christ we will be presented righteous.

Tiffany- I have not read Abba's Child, but I am a big fan of Brennan Mannning so I will check it out. Thanks for the advice.

Mark- Thanks for being my brother all these years!

Patricia- Thank you for your encouragement and prayers.

Ryan- Thank you for being a mentor and great friend for so many years.

Karen said...

Brother - I love you soooo much. I know we had a troubled childhood without a father. I feel your pain, anguish and despair. I opften think about what might have been...... However, I belive life would have been worse if he had stayed, I think you would agree. We have moved on and forgiven and made a better life for ourselves now. This does not define who we are and how we live our life. Brother - you are an inspiration to others, keep doing what you do !! XOXOXO