Friday, May 30, 2008

# 9 What Robs Believers of Biblical Joy

9. Living by Uncontrolled Feelings

“A ninth factor in loss of joy is living by uncontrolled feelings, living by flesh instead of by the spirit. …Contrary to what the world continually touts, self-centeredness is the surest source of dissatisfaction and discontentment. Neither does talking properly to one’s self involve some sort of “positive confession” that supposedly creates reality. That is foolish. Talking to oneself about God, His Word, and His will is the issue.” (John MacArthur)

Mankind seems to be constantly obsessed with himself and his esteem. And yet, isn’t this the problem from the fall? I say less self-esteem and more God-esteem! (Maybe I can make a really cool sticker with God-esteem peeing on self-esteem!*)

*sarcasm laid on pretty thick

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