Monday, June 2, 2008

#10 What Robs Believers of Biblical Joy

10. Unwillingness to Accept Forgiveness

“A tenth and final reason for lack of joy is unwillingness to accept forgiveness. On the surface, that attitude can appear to reflect humility, but it is the furthest thing from that. It is, in fact an insult to God’s righteous character and clear teaching of His Word.” (John MacArthur)

When we tell ourselves that “God cannot forgive our sins”, what are we really saying? Is our sin greater than what Jesus did on the cross? Is the cross really that weak? It might be wrapped in a different package but the root is still pride! There is nothing more freeing than accepting the forgiveness of Christ. Embrace, rest and find comfort in it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, this one is big. I struggle to view God differently that people in general. I'm not good at having full mercy and forgiveness toward others. Gods forgiveness is more than dismissing the debt owed, thanks to Christ, it goes into a full-on display of His indescribable love. It seems that embracing His love is the key to embracing His forgiveness.