Tuesday, May 27, 2008

#8 What Robs Believers of Biblical Joy

8. Forgetfulness

“An eighth cause of lack of joy is forgetfulness. Forgetting the Lord is not a mark of innocence but of faithlessness and sin. …The spiritual disharmony that causes division in churches is not incited by new converts but by those who have left their first love” (John MacArthur)

Here are 5 ways that I shamefully forget the Lord. Any you'd like to share?

1. I become consumed with status quo rather than spiritual growth.
2. I rely on my own skill rather than the Holy Spirit.
3. I celebrate my own goodness rather than the work of Christ, which made me righteous.
4. I blame God when things go wrong, and praise myself when things go right.
5. I become more upset with the “injustice” of a bad sports call rather than the injustice of a perfect Lord and Savior being crucified.

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