Sunday, May 25, 2008

#7 What Robs Believers of Biblical Joy

7. Ingratitude

“A seventh negative element that robs believers of joy is ingratitude. Few things are more repugnant than ingratitude. Paul commanded that prayers and supplications to God be made with thanksgiving. (Phil. 4:6)… Rebellious sinners are indicted and sentenced to divine judgment because of their ingratitude (Rom. 1:18-21).” (John MacArthur)

What is there to be said about ingratitude? Few things bother me more than a person who complains or is not thankful when they receive a gift, living as if the world revolves around them and owes them a favor. And yet, I am that ungrateful person! The only difference is that I do it with my Savior’s grace and love. Please Father forgive me!


Anonymous said...

an example in my life: When i was twelve, my mother gave me a gift on Christmas morning, i had hoped it would be one of those awesome new gameboy's that all the other kids had. I needed this item to survive (at the time i thought). When i unwrapped my gift, all my excitement flooded from me as i flipped through the pages of my fresh and exciting book of fossil records and stone stratigraphy. One can imagine the joy i felt. I yelled at my mother in disgust as i ran to my room crying and complaining about my lame gift. What i didn't realize was how blessed i had been to have a mother, who gave me a gift, to further my knowledge of the world that surrounded me.
I look back on that morning as a moment of ingratitude, and have since learned about what true blessings are. Selfishness stands out in our lives when we fell like we've been wronged, "it didn't happen my way". I want to be mindful of what is God's way and what he has in store for me. Only patience will reveal that truth.

Ryan said...

I totally agree with this one. Especially in our culture where so many people have so much. It seems no matter how much we try to help people see that in America 99% of us are better off than most of the world but we still find reason to think we should have it better.