Thursday, May 22, 2008

#6 What Robs Believers of Biblical Joy

6. Focusing on Circumstances

“A sixth way believers lose their joy is by focusing on circumstances. Despite the abundant blessings all believers have in the Lord, many become dissatisfied with their circumstances. They are unhappy with their physical or mental capacities, their appearance, the opportunities that came their way, or with countless other things they do not have but think they deserve." (John MacArthur)

Guilty! I am embarrassed to admit how often I complain about "Manna" and completely forget about God's deliverance, provision, and promises.


Anonymous said...

what can be said of circumstance..
that we find excuses to be unhappy with the Lord. that ultimate beauty and love come from him, but we loose sight of it everyday in our ongoing life activities. a gloomy day may seem like a lack of blessing, but as long as we are alive, that is the ultimate gift. that our Lord watches and takes care of us no matter what our circumstance. i think that as long as we are mindful that our circumstances usually spawn from from our accumulated actions, we can understand that ultimate joy spawns from God.

Nicole said...

Thanks for all these posts. They are such a good reminder. I have been really encouraged and am glad that I started reading your blog Scott.

Too often when I get wrapped up in circumstances I find I lack the thankfulness that God so richly deserves. I am so consumed by what is happening that is hard or confusing and I forget to thank Him for all the things that He does for me on a day to day basis. God is so good, and joy comes from remembering that and being thankful for what He has blessed us with.

patricia said...

I like this post.
John MacArthur is right; we do get too wrapped up in our circumstances instead of realizing that God is leading us down a certain path for a reason, whether good or bad in our opinion.
I struggle with a body that is aging, aching and sagging, (ewe) but I need be grateful that I'm physically able to do just about anything I want to do.
I am blessed!