Tuesday, October 28, 2008

So Much for The Gospel of Positive Thinking...

Having friends that are associated with the Crystal Cathedral in one way or another, I want to clarify that in no way am I trying to celebrate a rift between family members or a "church".  I also realize that not all people associated with the Crystal Cathedral proclaim a "Self Esteem" gospel.   However, the reason I am posting this article is because I do feel the "Self Esteem" gospel is heresy and therefore destructive to the Church. 



Rachel said...

Wow, "a mission first and a church second." Sad that God sent his son to die on a cross, a humiliating and excruciatingly painful death, and now Pastors are avoiding the very reason this had to happen. Avoiding it to the point of demoting your own family for referencing the Bible in sermons. Hmmm.

Typical of the American church today...attract as many people as possible by preaching the feel good Gospel. Let's pick and choose from the Bible what we want to make us feel better about ourselves, and avoid the truth.

Thanks for posting that- good clarity on the situation.

Markchop said...

It's funny or rather ironic when the "power of positive thinking" doesn't have the power to answer the question "why do things suck!" nor does it save a church, a group or an individual from themselves or others.

It's ashame what's happening there...but by no means suprising. Mr. Mohler had some good things to say. thanks for posting it Scott!!