Thursday, December 23, 2010

A few changes...

I have recently been invited to write for The Gospel for OC. This is an exciting opportunity because I believe The Gospel for OC is taking great strides in both uniting the Church and in declaring the one true Gospel within Orange County. For those who have frequently read my blog you know that this fits right inline with my desire for Christ's Church. I am looking forward to participating with these brothers and sisters in the very near future.

So, what does that mean for this blog? I am going to continue to use this blog to write, however these writings will be more of a personal nature. For the most part, any posts regarding theology, the local church, or the Bible will now be posted through The Gospel for OC. I want to thank everyone who has faithfully come to this blog over the last two years. I look forward to seeing your comments on the new blog.

For His kingdom,

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