Friday, February 19, 2010

The Battle for Biblical Joy

About a year and a half ago I posted a series entitled “What Robs Believers of Biblical Joy”. At the time, I was leading my Young Adults group through a study in Philippians and it was just a natural progression of taking what we were learning and blogging about it. To this day that series gets more hits on my blog than anything else I have ever posted. I am amazed when I see people from the US, Nigeria, Iraq, India, and all over the world go through and read each entry.

This amazement has led me to this realization – I’m not the only one that is longing for deep joy in my life and neither are you. This is a longing that is felt on every continent, every people group, and every generation. I also believe that this is a longing that can be found and had – Biblical Joy is obtainable and can flourish in our lives.

With that said, over the next 30 days (up until Easter) I plan on posting a series entitled: “The Battle for Biblical Joy”


  1. I am no expert. Everyday I long to be more joyful than the next.
  2. This is a community to discuss and help each other find joy. Leave comments, tell us where you are from, give us your thoughts and ideas, and encourage one another. (Even if the postings are over a year old)
  3. Many of the ideas I am going to bring up are not my own. They come from the likes of godly men that I highly admire: John Piper, John MacArthur, CJ Mahaney, Matt Chandler, and so on.

Let's get started:

  1. Do you ever feel like your desire to be joyful and God’s desire for obedience are at war with each other?
  2. Must we always sacrifice our happiness to please God?
  3. Does anyone else want more joy in their life?


sLaVe 2 HiM said...

if we surrender our will/desires/expectations/ feelings/ thoughts/ Him daily, I believe surrendering happiness is not even an option, because in turn, we are happy. I have found it entirely possible to obtain happiness even in the midst of turmoil, pain, and struggle. My happiness is centered around submitting to and living for him.

Ryan said...

I'm looking forward to this Scott. It is clearly a relevant topic.
I think my wrestle is more over perceived happiness rather than biblical joy (which I assume is much of the issue). The great thing for me is seeing God break through with everything I ever need when I trust and obey. I don't know why I still get surprised by God's continued provisions.

Andrew Michael Wiskus said...

1. Sometimes
2. No
3. Yes