Thursday, October 1, 2009

Waste of my Life

I just finished listening to a sermon that was biblically inaccurate, based 100% upon speculation and psychology, called into question God's sovereignty and the inerrancy of scripture, and made the accusation that the apostles were wrong for writing the way they did in the Gospels. Needless to say, I was angry after listening to it. However, I am an idiot! For some reason, I have gotten into the habit of listening to horribly inaccurate sermons online. The end result is always the same: frustration, anger, self-righteousness, and pride. I know ahead of time I am going to highly disagree with them and that I am just going to be annoyed and yet I still listen; just waiting for the train wreck. Why do I do this? It is not beneficial in any manner. Does anyone else find themselves doing this, or am I just crazy?


Rachel said...

There will be an intervention next time, my friend! You should write more posts about how you're not an idiot and enlighten us with what you're learning through your Biola education. I suggest you then buy stickers that say "" and below that "" in equally as large font. Sleep on it.

crazy as next said...

listening to mark driskall again? we all get a little crazy.

Rachel said...

Ha! I knew you hated Mark Driscoll!

Scott said...

Mark Driscol is breath of fresh, accurate and biblical air. The sermon I heard is not even close.

Ryan said...

Was it my sermon? I'm trying to think of what I have said lately... now I am nervous.

Scott said...

Ha ha ha... No Ryan. You are safe.

Andrew Wiskus said...

I just think your an idiot.

P.S. Just kidding.

JC said...

I had to do this two times for my internship. But not at FOLF of course...