Friday, November 7, 2008

What Does an Unwasted Life Look Like?

The Appearance of the Unwasted Life, Part 1

The Appearance of the Unwasted Life, Part 2

Every now and then I pull these messages by John Piper out of the archive,  and every time I do I find myself broken.  I know it might take about 2 hours to fully listen to these, but I don't think you will regret it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, so much in these sermons! I especially liked "The whole goal of life is to display the worth of Jesus Christ for others to see and cherish. So that we might so live that we can demonstrate, by the way we live, that Jesus is more precious than life." What a challenge! Am I doing this now? (I'm going to have to go with, I am working on it, but not so successful at it!). I also enjoyed the whole idea of stripping down to wartime living in respect to materialism. I am so bogged down and in love with stuff that it is difficult to know even how to begin to lessen the burden of things. There is so so so much more, but what an impactful God inspired man that Piper is!