Monday, March 16, 2015

Ethiopia ACT

Dear Friends,

I have a very exciting opportunity coming up that I want to share with you. On April 17 -27th I will be traveling to Ethiopia to work with AIDS patients through Ethiopia ACT (AIDS Care and Treatment) and my church.

What is Ethiopia ACT?
Ethiopia ACT was founded by Andy Warren in 1996. Andy Warren originally moved to Ethiopia to serve as a missionary, with the goal of planting a church in Addis Ababa, the Capital of Ethiopia. After arriving he quickly discovered that there was a great need to care for those who had been victimized by HIV and AIDS.

“We looked around and didn’t see anybody doing anything about it... We started small—just going into homes in the slums, making sure people got fed, their rent was paid, household tasks were done” - Andy Warren

Before long City Officials began to take notice of the work that was being done. Lives were being changed and the mortality rate was dropping among those they worked with. Soon, City Officials asked Andy and his team to take over all medical care for AIDS and HIV patients within the city. This was a huge task and was too big for the team. For this reason they declined complete oversight, but in doing so promised to train government officials in the same type of care that ACT had been administering. This continues to be extremely successful within the city.

What will I be doing? 
I will be traveling with a few people from my church, Redeemer Presbyterian, and a group of doctors and nurses from Menlo Park Presbyterian.  While the doctors and nurses will be treating physical ailments, I will be assisting on the emotional and spiritual side by counseling, praying, and speaking love into these peoples lives. There is a great need for spiritual care among AIDS and HIV patients. I am excited for this opportunity because it allows me to love and care for people while utilizing my gifts and pastoral background.

How can you help?
First: Will you keep me and my team in your prayers? Would you consider writing my name on a note card and then putting it in a place that you will see it often? That way you can remember to pray for me and my team every time you see it.

Second: Will you look into Ethiopia ACT and tell others about it? You can find more information here…

Third: Will you consider supporting me financially? The cost of a trip like this is around $2700 – of this I am responsible for about $1200. You can donate by check (made out to Redeemer Presbyterian Church, P.O. Box 9708, Newport Beach, CA 92658) or you can donate online at (please put my name in the memo).

If you have any questions, please let me know. I would love to tell you more about everything we will be doing. Thank you for your support!

Redeemed by Christ,
