Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Lord of All

"...the Word Condescended to Man’s Engrossment in Corporeal Things, by Even Taking a Body. All Man’s Superstitions He Met Halfway; Whether Men Were Inclined to Worship Nature, Man, Demons, or the Dead, He Showed Himself Lord of All These."


Thursday, October 8, 2009

I love my church

I love my church! There is not much more to be said then that. I love the people,. I love the preaching. I love the focus on God’s glory. I love the growth I have experienced in my own life through it. I love the challenges. I love that though it is imperfect, I can see Christ who is perfect, refining it. I love my church!

With that said, there are challenges. We are a small church, which means volunteers do most things. We don’t have a professional worship team. There are awkward moments when our sound does not go right. We do not have a professional secretary, I know because I am the secretary. Because we are small, we can’t hide in a crowd. Which means, we see each other often and can rub each other the wrong way. If something is going on in our lives, most people know about it. We are not flashy, simply because we can’t be flashy. In a culture driven by commercialism, the endless pursuit of worldly perfectionism, and entertainment we simply do not have what it takes to compete.

So what’s my point? To be honest… I am not sure. I long to see my church grow, but not because I long for huge crowds. I want it to grow because Jesus Christ is worthy of all praise, honor, and majesty. He is worthy of more people knowing that worth and bowing down before him. I want to see my church grow into a place where the passion for His glory is undeniably evident. I want to see more people going into our community and proclaiming His glory. I want to see my church giving thousands of dollars to make disciples in Africa, China, and the Middle East. I want us to dig wells, build houses, and provide medicine for those with Malaria and AIDS. These things seem impossible with a church of 65 people. But, since when is God limited to what I think is possible?

Rebuilding a church is not easy! It takes people who can see the strength in what we have, and look beyond the weaknesses. It takes people who have a vision for future potential, rather than what it right in front of their faces. It takes people who realize everyone must pull their weight; the “someone else will do it” mentality just won’t cut it. It takes brave people who are willing to step out in faith; people who are willing to leave behind the idea of a perfect church; people who want to set a course, rather than just ride along someone else’s course.

I love my church! I see so much potential in it. It is being built on the right things: Solid preaching and a community that wants to grow in sanctification and bear each other’s needs. I just wish others could see this potential. I don’t know how to do that. I don’t know if I can do that. It seems virtually impossible, but then again nothing is impossible with God. If you are looking for a church, might I suggest mine? We are not prefect, we are not flashy, but I have seen God work miracles in it. I have seen people who were spiritually dead come to life! I have seen people forsake the love of money, forsake lust, and forsake comfort all because Christ had changed them. I love my church!

http://www.folfcrc.com (Fountain of Life Fellowship)

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Waste of my Life

I just finished listening to a sermon that was biblically inaccurate, based 100% upon speculation and psychology, called into question God's sovereignty and the inerrancy of scripture, and made the accusation that the apostles were wrong for writing the way they did in the Gospels. Needless to say, I was angry after listening to it. However, I am an idiot! For some reason, I have gotten into the habit of listening to horribly inaccurate sermons online. The end result is always the same: frustration, anger, self-righteousness, and pride. I know ahead of time I am going to highly disagree with them and that I am just going to be annoyed and yet I still listen; just waiting for the train wreck. Why do I do this? It is not beneficial in any manner. Does anyone else find themselves doing this, or am I just crazy?