Thursday, February 5, 2009

Thoughts For the Sake of Thinking

I confess that I am not the best when it comes to updating my blog. It’s not that I am lacking for ideas to write about; rather, believe it or not, I am a perfectionist on certain things, blogging being one of them. I don’t like to throw out haphazard ideas, so I usually spend way too much time formulating my thoughts. Because of this, I have decided to make a short list of things I have been pondering and I promise I will go back and explain them later. Feel free to add any input to my list.

• I love reformed theology because I believe it gives all glory to God!
• Contrary to popular belief, sound doctrine is essential to the Christian faith.
• Social justice for the sake of social justice is pointless. People’s greatest need is not comfort or health, rather salvation from the Father’s wrath.
• People will either hate the Church or love the Church. This depends upon whether they love Christ or hate Christ. There is no middle ground.
• I hate false gospels! (Health/Wealth, Self-esteem, etc.)
• Without the doctrine of sin, Jesus died in vain.
• I have no reason to boast about anything! I am a sinner saved 100% by God’s doing.
• Jesus was not joking when he told us to radically amputate the things that cause us to stumble sexually.
• My relationships are deeper and more genuine then ever before. This is only by the grace of God.